Adverse Weather

We must have your up-to-date contact details

Please check the school closure website each day of adverse weather.

It is important that if your child’s school transport is not running you do not drive your children to school.  This was highlighted during our last experience with adverse weather when a number of people found reaching the school a challenge.

In the event that we close the school during the day, all parents will be contacted by text on groupcall in the first instance. If we do not receive a confirmation reply, we will phone you. Children will not be sent home without us knowing that a parent or another adult is there to meet them. So please keep your mobile phone with you for checking.

Please see links below for snow day activities, for the first day of any snow closure.




Twitter –

If the closure is likely to continue contact will be made to issue information regarding logging on to google classroom and Microsoft teams for remote learning all of which is accessed through GLOW



 Online school closures link to site page  this is refreshed everyday at 4pm

Local radio station names 

Northsound 1    FM 96.9-                                        

BBC Radio Scotland FM 92.4-94.7                           

Moray Firth Radio FM 97.4 

Waves Radio – FM 101.2                                         

Original – FM 106 


 We will try if it is possible to get information to one parent which can be added to parental social media groups.  


We will also send an email from school if it is working. 


Please add the groupcall expressions app as this may be a good source, as if you have the app it stores all the information and will send messages as texts.  

If you have a my aberdeenshire account you can set it so that the account send email notifications of any announcements made by your saved schools.